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Organic Matter

Humic + Fulvic Acid

Organic Nitrogen (N)

Potassium Oxide (K2O)




: 35% w/v

: 25 % w/v

: 2,5 % w/v

: 3,5% w/v



ORGANIC PLUS is a liquid humic corrector of vegetable origin specially formulated to be applied through irrigation system.

ORGANIC PLUS properties:

 It improves soil structural stability, keeping it loose, aerated and encouraging water retention.
 Biological effect, it increases microbial population that performs organic matter degradation.
–ORGANIC PLUS  grabs minerals locked up in the soil and also holds onto newly applied fertilizer, preventing its leaching.
 Visible short-term effects of ORGANIC PLUS.


DOSES* (per application):

Fruit trees 10-25 L/ha.
Horticulture 10-25 L/ha.
Ornamentals 10-20 L/ha.
Nurseries 1-2 L/1000 L of water.

*Do not mix with acid reaction products.
*Note:  These doses are indicative and user will be responsible to enlarge or diminish them depending on the plant vegetative state and soil characteristics of culture. Application under supervision of a Technical Agronomist is strongly recommended.