
Guaranteed content

Total Nitrogen (N)

Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)

Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

Sulfur (S)




: 6% w/v

: 5% w/v

: 20% w/v

: 10% w/v



NEW LOLOAH is a rage of liquid products based on doubly complexed microelements with free amino acids and organic acids, developed specifically for foliar application.

NEW LOLOAH is a zinc and manganese deficiency corrector doubly complexed  by organic acids and amino acids.


DOSES* (per application):

Fruit trees 250 – 300 cc/100L.
Horticulturals 250 – 300 cc/100L.
Hydroponics 100 – 250 cc/100L.
Extensive Crops 1,0 – 1,5 L/ha.
Ornamentals 150 – 300 cc/100L.
Nursery 150 – 300 cc/100L.

Note: These doses are indicative and user will be responsible to enlarge or diminish them depending on the plant vegetative state and soil characteristics of culture. Application under supervision of a Technical Agronomist is recommended.