
Guaranteed content

Organic Matter

Organic Nitrogen(N)

Organic Carbon (C)

Potassium Oxide (K2O)




: 50% w/v

: 2,1% w/v

: 28,5% w/v

: 4% w/v



REUTER KING is a liquid soil amendment of mineral origin (American leonardite). Its high humic acids content makes it especially suitable for:

 Improve the structural and chemical properties of the soil, increasing sponginess and reducing compaction.
 Excellent developer of clay-humic complex, it shows an evident releasing effect and improves cations absorption.

DOSES* (per application):

Fruit trees 10-25 L/ha.
Horticulture 10-25 L/ha.
Ornamentals 10-20 L/ha.
Nurseries 1-2 L/1000 L of water.

*Do not mix with acid reaction products.

*Note:  These doses are indicative and user will be responsible to enlarge or diminish them depending on the plant vegetative state and soil characteristics of culture. Application under supervision of a Technical Agronomist is strongly recommended.